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First Lutheran Church
10 Pleasant Ave
PO Box 98
Akeley, MN 56433

Sunday Worship
Sunday School - 9:15 am
(Fall to Spring)
Worship - 10:00 am
Fellowship - 11:00 am

Church Office
Hours: 9-Noon, Tu-Th

Worship Ministry

Worship at First Lutheran is a delightful, spiritual experience. Pastor Smee presents an inspiring message every Sunday morning. Our worship services are welcoming, friendly, and comfortable.  We believe that weekly worship reminds us that we are "Blessed with the Spirit's gifts"; helps us to "Grow in Christ's grace", and prepares us to "Care for God's Creation".

Pastor with kidsFirst Lutheran is a wonderful place to bring children to worship!  We welcome children's energy and enthusiasm.  We encourage them to be involved in the Childrens' Message given my Pr. Morton.  On most Sundays, children are actively involved in worship leadership in singing, rhythm choir, processionals, ushering, acolyting or skits and pageants.  While we have a nursery available for parents' convenience, we encourage families to worship together.  We hope that children of all ages will actively participate in our worship services.

We share in the Sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday of each month, as well as special holy days.  At First Lutheran, all are welcome at God's table.

Check out the weekly bulletin.