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First Lutheran Church
10 Pleasant Ave
PO Box 98
Akeley, MN 56433
Sunday Worship
Sunday School - 9:15 am
(Fall to Spring)
Worship - 10:00 am
Fellowship - 11:00 am
Church Office
Hours: 9-Noon, Tu-Th
Education Ministry |
Don't know what you don't know? Then Christian education may be just what you need! First Lutheran Church offers a rich variety of learning opportunities for people of all ages, at all stages of their faith journey - and with all types of schedules!
YOUNG PEOPLE: First Lutheran welcomes young people! We're in the process of revamping our Christian education for our youth. Over the summer, we offer scholarships for youth who have been active within the congregation through the previous school year to attend Pathways Summer Bible Camps. Early in the school year we offer an age-appropriate "SPARK" Bible to all of our young people. These Bibles are the basis for our Christian education for your youth. First Communion education takes place during Lent, preparing young people to receive their First Communion on Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter. After their First Communion, the students are eligible to assist in the worship service by being an acolyte. The third Sunday of every month our youth are invited to assist in the worship service. They're ushers, acolytes, lectors, communion assistants and projection assistants. Confirmation Classes are offered throughout the school year for students in 7th-9th grade - or whenever their parent(s) feel it appropriate. The students will be meeting with Pr. Smee. |