Worship at First Lutheran is a delightful, spiritual experience. Pastor Smee presents an inspiring message every Sunday morning. Our worship services are welcoming, friendly, and comfortable. We believe that weekly worship reminds us that we are "Blessed with the Spirit's gifts"; helps us to "Grow in Christ's grace", and prepares us to "Care for God's Creation".
Sunday School 2018/19
New plans for Christian education for youth are in the works. We'll keep you posted. |
Don't know what you don't know? Then Christian education may be just what you need!
First Lutheran Church offers a rich variety of learning opportunities for people of all ages, at all stages of their faith journey - and with all types of schedules!
Music is one of the greatest gifts given to us by God. Some have been given the gift to make music, others the gift of musical appreciation. Music brings about an emotional, powerful and more meaningful worship experience. So clap with the children, sing with the choir, revel in the organ, hum with the Fret Nots and other instrumentalists, and tap your foot to the Brass!
Prior to the morning worship, we enjoy coffee fellowship at 9:30am. On the first Sunday of each month, we have coffee fellowship following the worship service to enable Pr. Darrell and Wendy to visit with the folks of First. Coffee, goodies, and friendly conversation are a good way to begin a meaningful morning.
This congregation believes that God works through us. We strive to help others in our community and throughout the world by giving them the tools and resources to help themselves.
Every month, the outreach ministry features a "Spotlight on Mission" to foster awareness and support for a given mission. Previously Spotlighted Missions are available here.
On behalf of your Church Council I want to reintroduce you to Stewardship. Your Council is involved in this because we don't have a Stewardship Committee and need one.
The term Stewardship used to scare me. I was afraid it would ask me to do something I couldn't or didn't want to do. However, I've come to learn that it is much different than I feared.