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First Lutheran Church
10 Pleasant Ave
PO Box 98
Akeley, MN 56433

Sunday Worship
Sunday School - 9:15 am
(Fall to Spring)
Worship - 10:00 am
Fellowship - 11:00 am

Church Office
Hours: 9-Noon, Tu-Th

First Lutheran Church
About Us

First LutheranWelcome to First Lutheran Church!  We are a welcoming community of people actively living out our faith in Jesus Christ.  Our worship services share uplifting messages that are relevant to today's world, and offer an open and inviting atmosphere where adults and children are welcome and included.  Through activities for people of all ages we experience God's love and grow in faith.

We invite you to join in worship this weekend - and in serving our neighbors throughout the week!

Worship Video
Holy Communion At Home

Click on this link to participate in a service of Holy Communion in your own home.  This service is led by Pastor Ken Nyhusmoen, who served as pastor at FLC for several years.

Communion image

Upcoming Sundays In Worship


Worship in February

Sunday Mornings at 10:00


Feb. 2: We hope you can join us for worship on this  Sunday.  Pastor Maribeth will lead us in worship, and we will join at the altar rail in Holy Communion.

Feb. 9: Join us as we gather for worship, which will be led by Pastor Maribeth.  Holy Communion will be served at the altar rail.  Plan to stay after worship and enjoy some warm fellowship and treats.

Feb. 16: We hope you'll come and worship with us.  If you can stay after the service, you'll find lots of friendly people, lot's of tasty treats, and lots of hot coffee!

guitarFeb. 23: We hope that you'll join us as Pastor Maribeth leads us in worship!  Music will be provided by the Resurection Band.  There will be coffee, treats, and fellowship following the worship service.

First Lutheran is a friendly, relaxed community of God's people where ALL are welcome!

Spotlight on Mission

Evangelical Lutheran Church of America


Our Mission Statement

Blessed with the Spirit's gifts; Growing in Christ's grace; Caring for God's creation